Our range of inductive loop and piezo test meters and Simulator card for the XL-1000 series controllers are designed to make installation, troubleshooting and design easier.


LTM-2000        Test meter, single-loop

The LTM-2000 is a second-generation rugged and portable field instrument for in-pavement loop analysis and qualification. The unit utilises a single loop feeder connection to initiate a measurement operation and connection of a probe which locates concealed loop windings.

Key Features:

  • Loop and feeder cable to earth insulation resistance up to 200 MΩ

  • Automatic connection checking for short circuit and incorrect loop connections

  • Locate energised loops in road via Loop Finder Probe (included) at up to 110 km/hr

  • Locate winding position to ±5 cm

  • Audible feedback

  • Graphical LCD display with selectable backlight

  • USB charging with up to 50 hours battery life on full charge (backlight and test mode dependent)

  • Ruggedised enclosure.


User Manual

MLT-1000        Test meter, multi-loop

The Multi-Loop Tester provides a portable field instrument compatible with XL-1000 equipment (connects to the FTP) for the interpretation of multiple loop characteristics through a single connection and data capture through a PC via USB for up to 16-loops. This connection facilitates the unit power and communication with the associated software applicable, through which the unit is interrogated.


User manual


PTM-1000        Tester, single piezo

The Piezo Test Meter is purpose designed to evaluate and qualify in-pavement piezoelectric sensor performance through the sensor BNC style connector. The instrument displays individual data from actuations and accumulates actuations in order to display the linearity of the sensor.

User manual

XL-1090        Simulator card for XL-1000 series (vehicle actuation simulation - loop & piezo)

The XL-1090 Simulator Card is used to simulate vehicle actuation associated with a paired loop configuration and an in-pavement axle sensor which responds to wheel pressure applied to a piezo strip. The user may select to activate fixed factory default traffic patterns or configure parameters such as vehicle speed, length and flow rate which reflect various traffic conditions. Settings for loop length and spacing are adjustable to match particular physical site characteristics. The Simulator Card can be used to evaluate the performance of a vehicle detection system by simulating a controlled range of traffic conditions.

The Simulator Card is available as a plug-in module which is inserted directly into a spare slot in XL-1000 series vehicle detector/classifiers or in a standalone form that facilitates loop and piezo simulation via a screw terminal assembly. The simulated loop activity results from a variation in loop inductance and the simulated axle corresponds to a voltage spike/pulse similar to the pulse generated when a vehicle axle (wheel) passes over an in-pavement piezo.